Google Street View (Note: The Tiger is no more at this location. See Update note at the end of this post.)
Google Street Camera caught this tiger on the prowl at Valmont Road near the crossing with 30th Street at the Boulder, Co., USA.
Web search about this tiger gives confusing information. As per dailycamera.com the tiger, made of fibreglass, belongs to DecorAsian furnishings located at 1500 Pearl St., Boulder, CO and is kept out side their store.
However Flickr image shown below gives the same location as Google Street View;
Image source: Flickr / metamarois
Another web site (denver.metblogs.com) mentions that in addition to the tiger in front of DecorAsian there is another one on the doorsteps of Wok ‘n Roll on Valmont and 28th.
The two tigers look identical so it is not known whether in reality there are two tigers or one.
Another mystery is that the tiger as seen in the images in
Flickr and
denver.metblogs has a longer tail with a bend at the end, whereas the tiger in
Google Street View has a shorter and straight tail.
Perhaps some reader can solve this mystery.
Update June 17, 2013
With latest release of Google Street View imagery the tiger has gone missing. It cannot be seen in GSV at any of the locations listed above. Perhaps it has been sold to some collector and is now adorning his/her home.
Update June 17, 2013
With latest release of Google Street View imagery the tiger has gone missing. It cannot be seen in GSV at any of the locations listed above. Perhaps it has been sold to some collector and is now adorning his/her home.
Credits: I am thankful to Walter, member Google Earth Community Forum for sending me the
The shorter tail shown in google street view could be an issue with mapping the multiple pictures from the 9 cameras. Its just cut off in the picture.
The tiger can be seen in this video as well http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y0XJ0409G4I
This might be interesting to read too: http://www.dailycamera.com/ci_13085539
A couple of shots of the tiger can still been seen on GSV, but I really had to play with the direction arrow and the history feature. He disappeared and it took a while to get the frames back. So I generated "share links" to a few of them: https://goo.gl/maps/FZ14CYQW3Dw
A different pass with storm clouds!: https://goo.gl/maps/mefqJKgu3K22
From across the street: https://goo.gl/maps/DETWNg3wJPA2
I know - I have too much time on my hands...
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